QTUM Trading Competition, $120,000 in QTUM to Give Away!

Binance and QTUM have committed to a total of 120,000 USD equivalent in QTUM tokens to give away to our users worldwide, to celebrate QTUM recently being added to Binance’s margin trading platform.

Competition period: 2019/11/05 0:00 AM to 2019/11/12 0:00 AM (UTC)

Promotion A: 10% Lifetime Trading Fee Discount For New Registered Users

All new users that register on Binance using this special referral link will enjoy a lifetime 10% trading fee discount.

Promotion B: Trade QTUM to Win $110,000 in QTUM Tokens

All users will be ranked in terms of the total QTUM trading volume traded on their Binance account (including both Buys and Sells) across all QTUM trading pairs during the competition period. The rewards structure is as follows:

1st Place will receive $40,000 in QTUM tokens

2nd Place will receive $20,000 in QTUM tokens

3rd Place will receive $15,000 in QTUM tokens

4th-10th: equally split a pool of $35,000 in QTUM tokens

Promotion C: Share This Activity to Split a Prize Pool of $10,000 in QTUM Tokens

Share this activity image on Twitter and fill this form to split a prize pool of $10,000 in QTUM tokens!


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